While it may be tough to job search, the outcome of your effort is determined by the means of your method.

If you constantly end up being last on the list of applicants or not getting any follow-up calls, then suffice it to say, there’s something wrong with how you do your job hunting.

In principle, job search strategy is not just some random activity of looking for jobs to give you an income; instead, it is a job in itself.

If you hit a wall in your search, take a step back. Here are some fundamental principles you can use to re-engage your job search strategy and make a giant leap forward.

These 7 basic principles will help obtain more favourable results.

  • 1. Conduct a Self-Evaluation

In case you may be wondering why you need to do this, a self-evaluation will help you assess your personal preferences when it comes to your professional career.

Ask yourself: “what do you really love to do?, What are your goals?, What are your long-term plans for your career (1 year and 3 Year plans?) and What do you want to achieve in your career?” this will help you determine what kind of career opportunities you will be most comfortable with, and most importantly thrive in.

Make sure you write this down and keep a log so you can reference your evaluation in the future.

  • 2. Research

Doing your research during a job search is critical for success in an interview. As some career coaches point out, the whole process is not about you; it’s about the company you’re applying to.

Researching companies gives you a clear perspective on how to position yourself when you have a chance to meet them.

To get started and learn some key insights, read through the annual report of the company and get a sense of how they position themselves to the world. This one detail will help you understand their company culture and much more.

  • 3. Keep organized

How do you go about this? Simple, get a binder, label it: Job Search Strategy.

Start building lists of your daily activity; keep this as a log you can reference. This log will help you organize all the activities you need to do and all the things you need to prepare. Never forget to consult your log and update it every day during the process.

  • 4. Network, Network and then Network 2.0

Networking has been tried and tested over time as one of the most effective tools to obtain a job. Over 75% of job seekers get hired by this method.

In case you haven’t used networking to its full capacity yet, it’s high time you do. Networking is a two-way process; learn how to give and you will also receive. It is not just establishing contacts, but it’s more of exchanging ideas, advice, and information to further your goals.

Always learn how to show appreciation when somebody gives you valuable information or advice. Networking 2.0 - invite everyone to join you on Linkedin!

  • 5. Prepare Marketing Documents

By marketing documents, I mean your cover letter and professionally updated resume. Your resume should serve as a marketing tool to give a company a glimpse of what you can offer and what value you represent.

It should contain all the pertinent information about your qualifications, skills, training, and work experiences that are relevant to the current job opening; along with significant accomplishments and major strengths.

  • 6. Always Be Ready To Interview

If you’ve followed the advice above and made sure to customize your resume and included a cover letter, getting a phone call for an interview is never far behind.

If you’ve already received an invitation for an interview, it’s time that you prepare for it.

Always remember that an interview is a business meeting. It is your goal to impress the potential employer and position yourself as a great fit for the job. You can do this by acting professionally, staying calm, rehearsing your elevator pitch and being confident.

  • 7. Never fail to say thank you and follow up

Most job applicants end the job search strategy when the interview is done.

In your case, you should not stop here; never forget to acknowledge the time and effort the potential employer, recruiter, cousin, friend, or colleague has given you and always signify your interest in the job by following up – and saying a simple – Thank you.

You can do this by sending a hand written thank you note, an email, or even a gift card to Starbucks to keep yourself top of mind!

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