Offboarding & Outplacement Services 1-888-469-0595

Why Our Program Works

Limiting risk during layoffs, terminations, and workforce transitions for employers while removing the frustration and uncertainty felt by employees during their career transition.

The Goal + Outcome Method

We have perfected a 6-step career transition process designed to drive the highest program completion rates by achieving a goal + outcome for users at each stage.

Actionable, Transparent Dashboards

Exiting employees track career their transition journey through an interactive dashboard while HR teams can report on program success metrics for all outgoing employees.

The Outcome Driven Results

We set the industry benchmark for career transition success using our outcome driven approach and proven 6-step process.

7 Days to Program Completion
15 Days to First Interview
7.24 Weeks From Layoff to Landing

The Best in Career Transition

With ResumeTarget, we have brought North America's top-rated career transition services to enterprise outplacement for employee offboarding.