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Things used to be a lot simpler. You could stroll into an office, resume in hand, and plop yourself down in front of the boss with a dapper pin-striped suit and winning smile.

A well-timed quip about the weather, the slightest hint of earnest determination, and they gave you the keys to the building. Alas, the days of the winning smile are gone. Welcome to the new employment landscape—take a number.

Craigslist is a microcosm of this new trend.

Postings are often listed without any real company information or contact information—they provide you only with a nonsensical string of numbers that you are required to send your resume to. Sometimes it feels as futile as putting your resume in a bottle and throwing it in the lake.  Actually, that’s not fair to the lake.

So why is no one hiring you? Not just from Craigslist, but from any of these new automated systems that just don’t get weather jokes? Because you haven’t adapted yet. But fear not—we at Resume Target have compiled the four steps you need to combat internet anonymity.

Read on, intrepid candidate, it’s time to venture into a brave new world.

Step One: First Impressions are King.

You knew that. That’s why you used to put on that dapper suit. But here’s what people tend to overlook: now your e-mail is your suit. The vast majority of resumes and cover letters are never even opened. Why? Because the e-mail didn’t say anything.

To Whom It May Concern is a bad start. This isn’t a memorandum on world peace. You know who it concerns: the Hiring Manager. Address it to them. Don’t just tell them you want the job—they know that already. Tell them why they should hire you.

Pull out the achievements and value statements from your cover letter and resume and put them in your e-mail. Tell them who you are, the most impressive things you’ve done, and even more importantly, what you can do for them.

Always treat it like the Hiring Manager may only read your e-mail. But DO NOT copy and paste your entire resume and cover letter into the body and send it off; a busy hiring manager will probably take one look, sigh deeply, delete it, and go for a coffee.

Step Two: Bring the Smile Back.

Here is a simple truth: everyone likes to put a face to a name. Just because a hiring manager can’t interview everyone in person doesn’t mean they’re not a little curious about what you look like—it’s human nature. Enter LinkedIn.

Attaching a photo of yourself to an e-mail is tantamount to throwing your own resume in the garbage. It’s unprofessional and puts the hiring manager in a tough position. But LinkedIn is perfectly acceptable. Put your LinkedIn URL on your resume, or better yet, hyperlink your name.

It’s not a question of beauty or brawn or anything else—they just like to see the person they’re reading about.

Step Three: Make Sure Your Resume Doesn’t Suck.

In the good old days, when you handed a resume over in person, it was possible to overcome a sub-par resume. Not anymore. Your resume and cover letter have to speak for you.

They have to tell a potential employer what you’ve done, and more importantly, what you’re going to do for them. You need a value statement, a list of core skills, and job descriptions that don’t sound like you stole them from the original posting for your role.

You need to convey your achievements and added value and tell them why they shouldn’t throw your bottle back in the lake. If you don’t know how to write one, get professional assistance. A little money now might lead to a lot more money in the future.

Step Four: The Follow-up

Ah, the follow-up. Some abstain from it completely; others treat it like the hiring manager owes them money. Moderation is key.

Send an e-mail a few days after your initial submission inquiring about the process and restating your interest in the role (something many people forget to do). After that, wait a full week before inquiring again.

Some follow-up is a very good thing; too much is bad. Nobody likes to be pestered, and when you have a whole lot of candidates to choose from, it’s easy to accidentally delete one of them, even if they’re qualified.

If you receive no response from your follow-ups, it’s time to try again. But take heart—those ads are posted for a reason. People are being hired. You just have to follow these steps and make sure the next number to be called is yours.

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Open new career opportunities with our professional resume writing services.

You’ve finally found that dream job that you’ve wanted your whole life, all you have to do now is send in your resume and hope for the best. But you don’t want to hope you’ll get it, you want it.

So what do you do?

You take a second look at your resume and realize you need to add more skills. You read over your past experiences and decide they need to be more impressive.

Before you continue, STOP!

You may think that this will get you the job but it’s only going to get you into trouble down the road. There are ways to make yourself look good without having to lie. Here are four things you should never do and how to work around them.

Don’t lie

The one thing you don’t want to do on a resume is lie about skills that you don’t have. Your resume is really a written portrayal of who you are and it’s important that everything on your resume reflects things that are true. You can play up skills that you do have and elaborate on them but never say you know how to do something when you don’t.

Don’t tweak your credentials

Tweaking your credentials is never a good idea. Your employer is hiring you based on what they see on paper. If you lie about something that was on your resume, it can always be fact checked later on. If you lied about more than one thing, once they discover one fib, they may start to question your entire resume altogether.

Don’t bend the truth

It’s important to highlight skills that you already have, not to bend the truth. Everyone has a skill set that can be applicable to any job, some more than others, and it’s all about how you portray yourself. Let them know how you used those skills in your previous jobs and how you were able to positively affect the company. Focus on moments where you went above and beyond. Be confident in yourself and your interviewer will be confident in you.

Don’t post incriminating photos

You have to remember that you have to portray yourself in a professional manner. First impressions are very important and an interviewer can make conclusions within the first 30 seconds of meeting you. Your online presence may not be a resume in itself but it does represent you and shows employers a whole other side to you. Branding yourself means having an online presence; things like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. Many employers are checking your social media accounts, so don’t post anything that could hurt you later on.

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Open new career opportunities with our professional resume writing services.

Did you know the attention span of recruiters and Human Resources (HR) managers is declining, due to the overwhelming volume of candidates applying for the same job?

“They could take between 15 to 30 seconds, but no more than that. It is the time they need to figure out if the candidate fits into the minimum requirements the job demands”, said Amos Tayts, professional recruiter and co-founder of Resume Target.

If you cannot capture their interest in that time frame, they will just move on to the next candidate.

As the attention span of the potential employer shortens, your resume needs to change along with it. You cannot write long paragraphs or summaries about yourself anymore. It is time to cut out the jargon and focus on what is important.

Replace the objective statement with a value proposition instead. Summarize your work experiences and highlights, as well as key contributions and achievements. Personal skills should be kept at a minimum and you should exclude the references section which should only be given when requested.

If you are wondering how to catch the attention of HR in 10 seconds, here are a few hints:

1. Excel to perfection

Even before checking the requirements, the initial gatekeeper will look at the general appearance. “Presentation is important. How the person puts the information together. Concise and with clarity.

Communicate your value without persuasion and people will take notice.”, said Tayts. So, if presentation is everything – take the actor Isaiah Mustafa as an example – be a little capricious.

2. Treat your resume as a marketing tool

Make sure you check the document many times before submitting it, so that it looks like a personal marketing document advertising YOU – not just a summary about yourself!

3. Use appropriate vocabulary and grammar

Advertisers believe that people only have a 15-second attention span these days which is why commercials are shrinking to fit the audience’s decreased patience. To catch the reader’s interest in that period of time, try using a thesaurus and find some new synonyms to use.

4. Add (the most important) certifications in addition to your education

Build a list of your achievements and awards to increase the marketability of your resume. Include your top qualifications and credentials in the resume.

5. Skip the objective statement

Instead of the objective, write a strong value proposition at the beginning of your resume. This should focus on your core strengths and career goals without giving overloaded information.

Sometimes, the recruiter does not have time to read all of your past history or work related experience. Add a strong branding statement to make it unique.

6. Include your top professional skills

Highlight your major accomplishments at work over the years and list some of your key professional skills that may be suitable for the job you are applying for.

7. Put in words which target the job

Target the right audience by using the correct industry words to focus on the job you are looking for. Do not be afraid to be bold and creative with your language structure. The stronger and more hard-hitting your vocabulary, the more notice you will get.

8. Let your personality shine through

Give the potential hiring manager a taste of your character by adding some flavour into your resume writing. Write some of your key attributes and character traits (i.e. interpersonal skills, language skills, etc.). Use the ones you think will provide a good insight into your work ethic. Just do not extend yourself too much. Remember you want to get noticed, not make them ‘change the channel’.

9. Be as clear and concise as possible

In order to attract the potential employer, you should limit the use of adjectives and focus on keywords that will sell your profile to potential employers. Include accountabilities that match up in your past tenure. Do not include any words you feel don’t comprehensively describe your skills or focus on your intended goal.

Remember that your resume should be as clean as possible, limit the use of jargon and descriptive words. Do not put in extraneous information, which may decrease your chances of getting an interview. Your resume is the first step in getting your foot in the door.

Remember to give the reader solid information so they are left with a positive and compelling impression of you.

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Open new career opportunities with our professional resume writing services.

Working at home has become increasingly popular these days, and it is also a good option for working moms who want to manage their professional and personal lives. The problem is that being home can get very distracting.

Because of that, this article offers some tips to help you figure out how to use your home office as a place to earn money. In addition, there are many people nowadays who are either starting their own business or private companies. So, if this sounds like you, here are some valuable hints.

Although working from home can be less stressful than working at the company, you have to follow the same procedures as though you were in the office. Having a task schedule, a break time, and client list still applies.

Even with the pleasure of a TV, couch and kitchen, you still have to prioritize your duties and make yourself as professional as possible. This means you should avoid entertainment such as movies, games and television.

Turn off anything that may distract you from doing your work. Keep up with updates, and check your e-mail on a daily basis for client feedback.

Here are some of the things you should consider if you are working from home:

Have a regular start time, break time, lunch time and end time for your work period

Get up early in the morning whether or not you are going to work in an office building or across the hall. Take breaks during the day as if you are working at an office and use your lunch time appropriately. It will help you stay grounded at your job.

Get dressed up and look professional

I know this may sound weird because you are not going anywhere beyond your own house but you still need to dress well to get yourself going for the day. Working in your gym clothes is completely different from working in your office clothes.

Even if you are not facing a boss or a client, dressing well will give you a sense of accomplishment. Never underestimate the psychological effect.

Have some music at your desk

Listening to soft music while working can help alleviate stress and give you the drive to work. Many people are cranky in the mornings and having some form of entertainment at their disposal could help ease their tension.

Avoid hanging out with friends and family

Even though your friends and family know you are working from home, do not let them distract you. Make them understand that you are still working regular hours and that you need to focus on your job. If you have a place of your own, such as a small office or library in your house, close the door while working.

Do not go shopping or go the movies

As tempting as it sounds, you cannot just leave your job and go shopping – clothes or groceries – during your work day.

Place your children in daycare or hire a babysitter.

If you have children, you should send them to the nearest daycare or hire a nanny, if possible. You will not be able to concentrate much if you have kids around.

Make yourself accountable

Keep up to date with your work strategy and plan ahead for certain activities. Make a database of all the tasks you completed and create an agenda for the things you need to get done each day.

We asked others who have experience working at home or know others that do what they thought were great methods of staying productive while working at home. They made such great suggestions that we just had to share them with all of you!

Plan ahead

“Keep your tasks lists short and attainable during days you know have lots of interruptions, and build in blocks of uninterrupted time to work on larger tasks on other days,” says Stephan Hovnanian, Owner of Shovi Websites.

Everyday is different and if you know what tomorrow is like in advance, plan ahead. Being organized is always a great time saver.

Think about your needs

Maya Middlemiss, the Managing Director at Casslar Consulting SL says, “When you leave the office and start working flexibly, it can be an automatic assumption that you have to replicate the office environment, but it’s actually a very good moment to think about what your actual needs are, and build something completely new around that.”

While it’s great to have a space that represents your cubicle, working from home is a chance for you to personalize your work space. To keep things uncluttered, you can choose to go wireless. If you want to be environmentally friendly, you can keep files stored on an electronic device.

Stock up on supplies beforehand

Judy Hojel is an experienced CEO and likes to be prepared for anything, “Having a supply of whatever stationery and equipment is important for your work, so there is no need to race out for supplies and waste time in the middle of the day.”

When you’re out of something like highlighters, it becomes an excuse for you to get out of the house. Not only does getting there take some time but the next thing you know, you’ll be walking up and down every aisle. Keep your supplies stocked so you don’t waste two hours on unnecessary shopping trips.

Establish a routine

“By establishing regular work hours for myself, I’m setting the “habit” of working. If every day is different, my brain doesn’t snap into work mode as easily,” says Brie Reynolds, a Writer and Social Media Manager.

By setting up a routine for yourself, you’ll be able to differentiate your work from your personal time. It’s harder to stay focused when you’re in the comfort of your own home but you can incorporate the two together so that both are balanced.

The exception: Freelancers

“Some creative people work better in an environment with less structure and routine. Being a freelancer allows one to have more flexibility in their work day.

Having a pajama clad day of doing work is one of the simple pleasures of working from home…Routine can actually be counter-productive when it comes to thinking up creative ideas,” says Athena Dennis, a freelance Content Marketer and Copywriter.

Those in creative fields like writing, design and visual art may feel boxed in if they’re in a closed space for too long. Creative ideas come at random times and we understand that. You can have a workspace at home but personalize your space.

If it’s nice out, take a quick walk outside and enjoy the view. Who knows, you might get an idea or two.

Working from home is ideal for those who are disciplined. Consider these tips on working from home if you have recently started a self-employed business or if you are willing to do it for whatsoever reasons.

The same rules used in a corporate office life apply to your home office life as well. Just like any employee, finding the right niche and developing the best work strategy is most important if you want to succeed in the job market today.

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Open new career opportunities with our professional resume writing services.

In the MaRs Discovery District atrium, men and women of all ages are abuzz and conversing while they sip on wine and snack on things like ahi tuna on crackers.

People from all walks of life are gathered today to hear Ben Casnocha, one of “America’s best young entrepreneurs”, speak about his new book “The Start-Up of You.

Casnocha co-wrote this book with LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman after meeting him years ago and realizing that they had an immediate synergy of thoughts. The book has finally been published and has caught the attention of the media, as well as everyday people looking for that boost of confidence.

Resume Target had the honour of sponsoring the event with CGOV Asset Management and the Canadian Israel Chamber of Commerce. The organizers, the Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, were also present and the event started off on a great note.

Brian Church, the Canadian Country Manager of LinkedIn, gave an introduction to a full house and cited a great quote once said by Einstein:
“Anyone who has never made a mistake, has never tried.”

When Casnocha took to the stage, he was very confident and poised but modest. He told audiences that it began in high school in a tech class taught by the “Mac Doctor”, whom he also dedicates the book to. He was inspired by a poem that he had to recite as an exam.

It goes like this: “Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

This was in fact, Apple Inc.’s “Think Different” ad that ran in 1997. That poem stuck with him, even when he was traveling the world and meeting people who had every day jobs but were very entrepreneurial, they were always thinking.

An individual’s career used to be viewed as an escalator. You would graduate and start an entry-level job and work your way up until you got to the top and retired. However, economic forces have disrupted that flow due to outsourcing, global competition, and other factors. That same escalator is now jammed at every level.

Entrepreneurship has always existed but has recently been playing a more prominent role in today’s day and age. Casnocha quoted Muhammed Yunus:
“All humans were born entrepreneurs. In the caves, we were all self-employed. Finding food, feeding ourselves. That is how human history began. As civilization came, we suppressed it. We became “labor” because they stamped us “You are labor”.”

He stresses that everyone is capable of being an entrepreneur, people just have to realize their potential. The first step is what Casnocha calls “Investing in Yourself”.

Always give yourself a competitive advantage by thinking of your competition. That’s not to say you should put each other down but ask yourself: “How can I be faster, smarter, quicker, etc”.

Once you’ve got that figured out, think about who your allies and acquaintances are. Every person has about 5-8 people who’ve got their backs; these people are your allies. They think like you and have similar feelings towards certain things. Everyone else in your life is an acquaintance, a “loose tie”.

Although they aren’t in your inner circle, they are an important part of your life. Information to an entrepreneur is very important and those acquaintances in your network may know things that you don’t.

The last piece of advice Casnocha left audiences with was “Plan to Adapt”. Nothing ever stays in one place forever; people have to be able to move with the times.

The night ended, leaving audiences to ponder about their own lives and whether they are where they want to be. There’s a difference in living your life the way others want you to and living it the way you want to.

In the book, Casnocha and Reid wrote:
“Pretending you can avoid risk causes you to miss opportunities that can change your life.”

So stop being afraid and grab them while you still can; because once they’re gone, they may be gone for good.
To learn more, check out “The Start-Up of You”, the book that Casnocha co-wrote with Reid Hoffman.

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Open new career opportunities with our professional resume writing services.

Have you tried just about everything to find the job you’ve been waiting for? Well, it’s time for you to rethink your job search strategy. It’s not enough to just put together a resume and cover letter for the hiring managers anymore. People want to see more from you these days. If you’re still using that same template for your cover letter and not customizing it to fit the job you’re applying for, you need to get serious.
Like every good book, each job application starts with a good cover letter. That’s the first document your potential employers will read. If you don’t catch their interest from the get-go, how would they even look through your resume? The hiring manager is not interested in what your skills are but how you can apply those skills to the job. If you can’t express what you can contribute to their company, they will not look further into your application.

Here are a few ways to make your cover letter really stand out:

1. Make a good first impression – Always attract the employer with a strong introductory paragraph. Personalize your letter by telling them about your work experience, your skill sets, and finally your educational background. Be bold and show your personality a little. Even though this is a professional cover letter, you should not shy away from adding a little glamor into your profile.

2. Give them a reason to know you better – The best way to get a hiring manager interested in meeting you is to show them that you really care about the job. You have to show them you’ve done your research about the company you want to work for. If you can’t convince them that you really want the job, they will not waste the time to give you a phone call.

3. Don’t be afraid to be personal – There’s nothing wrong about being yourself. If you really want the job, show your passion or eagerness to work for the company. Keep the tone of the letter professional and stay clear from drawing any personal setbacks.

4. Keep it simple – You don’t have to write too much to earn a prospective employer’s interest. They want to read quality writing so be as precise as possible. Don’t put anything in the letter that is unrelated to the job such as your hobbies or goals. They just want to know if you are the best candidate for the position so always wrap up your cover letter with that in mind.
Out of all the aspects about cover letter writing, the most important part is to show the hiring manager that you care about the job. Make them feel special and put a lot of thought into your writing. You don’t want to be too pushy or desperate. Just be yourself and show them the best you can do for the company and that will surely pay off.

Let’s face it. Nobody is a writer. Not even award-winning novelists could publish their books without facing cuts and changes from an editor first.

You’re as good a writer as anyone, but it’s in how you stand out that makes all the difference. To get your resume to match the industry standards of the job market today, you have to get it professionally done by a certified resume writer who specializes in your field.

They don’t just write your resume, they market your career and help shape your profile as a professional.

If you don’t do your own nails, cut your own hair or give yourself root canals, why would you write your own resume when it’s the most crucial document of your career?

If you still think the resume you wrote yourself will get you into the job market, think again. People tend to be modest when it comes to listing their achievements and sometimes they even leave out the most important highlights because they are being too careful.

That’s why you need a professional writer to weave through your job history and highlight the key attributes that will get you hired.

Here are some reasons you should consider getting a professional resume:

1. Look better than ever

I assure you that when you get your resume professionally done, it will look completely different. From the format to the font, everything will be upgraded and you will never have to pull your hair out just trying to arrange it.

More importantly, it will reflect your own personal style and be customized to your specific preferences.

2. Industry keywords to match your job market

Your resume should basically be a marketing document or a sales pitch that gets you in the door of potential hiring managers. Let someone you don’t know look at your resume with fresh eyes so they can give you honest feedback.

If they can spot major issues, then they can easily fix them and match you with the best writer to evaluate your career experience and highlight your key achievements.

3. Match industry standards

You can craft your resume from scratch, but it will always be at a basic level instead of a professional advanced level.

Many people have the same experience level as one another, but it’s in how they present their job background on paper that gets them noticed from other competing candidates. A professional resume may cost around $400, but the benefit is priceless, especially if it will give you a dream job in your industry of choice.

4. Get a better response rate

The key to job search success is how you market yourself to potential employers. If you can’t convince the hiring manager that you’re the best fit for a job, then you need a resume that targets the specific industry requirements.

Landing a job is 70% based on presentation and only 30% on your skills and abilities, so having the right attributes will significantly increase your marketability as a potential employee. It’s not about how qualified you are for the job but how you sell yourself that matters.

5. Capture all career highlights and accomplishments

If you want to prove your work ability as a candidate, get your resume written by certified industry professionals because these experts know what employers are looking for.

They can dig into your employment history to create a resume that highlights your specific achievements and that draws less attention to any employment gaps or poor academic records you may have. Recruiters scan thousands of resumes per day, so you have to make a strong first impression to hook them or else they’ll just give the job to another potential candidate.

Writing a good resume is not easy, especially if you want it to speak to the potential manager on a professional level. However, with a great resume writing service, you can succeed in attaining that job you want and moving further up the social ladder.

Don’t let the fear of spending a few hundred dollars scare you away from getting your resume professionally done because it will ultimately help you in your job search. A professional resume is much more compelling than a homemade resume because it gets more attention and captures more interest.

If you want to break into the job market today, get your resume professionally done as your first step to success.

Get job search ready fast

Open new career opportunities with our professional resume writing services.

What steps do you take to make yourself stand out from the masses?

It’s clear, times are changing, people are becoming more tech savvy, and millions of social media networks are popping up everywhere. In this new age, even job hunting requires exceptional social media skills.

Putting together a really good resume takes a lot of work and a lot of time, and that’s just for a run of the mill resume. Have you ever come across a crazy, wacky resume that made your jaw drop?

A resume that made your jaw drop to the point that you had to meet the person who took the time to create it.

Given that, here’s top 5 creative resume types creative wacky resumes we used that landed these individuals job interviews.

1) Joe Kelso – Created a resume that resembles a movie poster and it never failed at landing him interviews.

2) Sabrina Saccoccio – Submitted her Facebook profile as a resume and she even included all her work experiences and comments from her followers.

3) Eric Gandhi – Made a Google Themed Resume on LinkedIn. It was so well done that he was referred to someone at Google who called him to come in for an interview.

4) Francis Homo – Split his experiences between his right and left brain.

5) Sophie Tatlow – Put a lot of work and effort into creating her resume!

What does your resume say about you? Visit Resume Target and get a professional resume writers opinion. 

Get job search ready fast

Open new career opportunities with our professional resume writing services.

If you want to find a job in this tough job market, there’s no better solution than LinkedIn. By joining this popular job search network, you can literally access over thousands of company contact profiles.

You can connect with the managers of top corporations and find people who work in your very own industry! We’ve all heard of Facebook, Twitter and the all-so famous Craigslist.

But what if you can combine all of these social networks and turn them into ONE job search tool? That’s what LinkedIn is. It has over 200 million members in over 150 industries and most of these people are employed workers hoping to find a job through this enhanced job search tool.

Here are 10 ways you can use LinkedIn to find a job:

1. Get the word out

Let people know that you’re looking for a job by updating your status. This tells your network of connections that you’re interested in a new position. Because a job search requires large notifications, the more people know about your job hunt, the more likely you’ll get an offer.

Even if you don’t find a job, you can still rely on your pool of networks to help you find the right connections.

2. Get recommendations from your colleagues

LinkedIn is a great resource to share your references live on the Internet. You can ask for some testimonials from your former manager and post them on your LinkedIn page.

This will prove your credibility as an employee and get others to notice your key accomplishments at the companies you’ve worked for. A strong recommendation from your manager highlights your strengths and shows your value to the potential hiring staff.

3. Find out where people with your background are working

Search for companies in your industry and find out which people are working there. You can even do an advanced search to see if anybody you know or who is from your area works for those companies.

If there are, this is a good opportunity for you to connect with them and ask them if their company is recruiting new members.

4. Find out where people at a company came from

LinkedIn offers a special tool that allows you to see the career paths of individuals who’ve worked for a particular company. It’s called “Company Profiles” and it’s a very useful application to find out what kind of experience a company is looking for in new hires.

5. Find out where people at a company go next

LinkedIn’s “Company Profiles” tool also lets you see where people at a certain company go next after leaving the company to do something else.

You can track down exactly where employees go after working for one company and find out where other people go from other companies in your sector. This could help you decide which places to work for and which to avoid.

6. Check to see if a company is hiring

You can optimize your job search by going to the company pages on LinkedIn and accessing the “New Hires” section.

It lists all the people who’ve joined a company and if you’re really curious, you can ask these new employees how they managed to get their first job. Don’t be afraid to do a bit of detective work to learn the backgrounds of these people that made them so attractive to the manager.

7. Contact the hiring manager

I know this can be daunting, but you have to at least try it in order to get your foot through the door. Not only does LinkedIn provide the option of searching for any job you want, you can see exactly who posted the job.

Pay close attention to the ones who live no more than two degrees away from you. You may even know the person who posted the job! It can’t get any better than that. Another way to find companies you have ties to is to use the “Companies in your Network” section on LinkedIn’s job search page.

8. Find the right HR person

Probably the best way to get hired is to find the hiring manager. But if this is not possible, you can always use LinkedIn to find someone inside the company and ask them to deliver your executive resume to the right hiring manager or HR department.

When someone receives a resume from a co-worker, even if they don’t know him or her, they almost always pay attention to it.

9. Find out the secret job requirements

It’s hard for people to apply for a job when they don’t know the exact job requirements of a particular job. Job postings rarely list all the skills a hiring manager is seeking in a new employee.

Find a connection within a company who can get you the inside scoop on what is required of a new hire for a particular job. You can do this by searching for the company name and looking up the people in your network who connect you to that company.

If you don’t have an inside connection, just view the profiles of the people who work for that company to get an idea of their specific background and skills.

10. Find startup companies to join

If worse comes to worse and you can’t find anywhere to work for, find some startup companies you can join. You should definitely try working for a new company especially if you’re just starting out in your job search.

This is a great opportunity for new graduates to gain some experience before they jump into the big market. Use LinkedIn’s advanced search engine and enter keywords like “startup” in the company field.

You can also narrow your job search by industry (e.g. startup in Web 2.0, wireless or biotech sectors). Think about it: If large companies don’t offer you any job search security, you might as well consider working for a startup company instead.

11. Build your network before you need it

One last important tip is to build a strong group of connections. No matter where you are in your career search, it’s always a good idea to build a strong network to have some job security in case the economy is down.

Remember that the key ingredient to any job search is “schmoozing” and it’s filled with counter-intuitiveness. This means you should add people who know you and not people you only know.

Most people use LinkedIn to find a job or to market themselves for future employment. If you can’t make yourself seen or heard, how can expect people to hire you? In the modern digital age, there’s no better way to sell yourself than to optimize your LinkedIn profile.

This way, employers can get access to your account and send you notifications or offers right away. If your experiences and skills match a job opening a company has available, you may even get an interview opportunity when you least expect it!

Before you know you it, you could be the CEO of a large national company simply because you took the time to network and build your profile on LinkedIn.

People spend thousands of hours trying to find a job through job boards and job postings. Why should you do the same? Diversify your options and find a new and exciting way to look for jobs through LinkedIn. Everyone is using it and so should you!

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